blogger and webmaster loves widgets, and many also quite like money (that’s why
they’re always banging on about it) so what could be better than a widget that
makes money? Until someone finds a way to involve beer in that equation , might
just be the answer.
WidgetBucks features pay-per-click shopping widgets
that help our customers make money fast. They instantly display the most popular
products based on buying trends of 100 million shoppers. Thus they are highly
engaging, which means instant dollars for our customers. Our widgets see $3-$6
CPM — pretty good compared to traditional ad networks that deliver less than $2
The idea is simple; you embed the widget code into your blog /
Your site web and it acts as a product feed based on your sites content or a
chosen category, you then get paid for clicks and hopefully make billions…
The widget itself is fully customisable, and actually looks
quite nice, although I wish they’d allow for a slightly smaller size, as it
tends to dominate the page. I signed up so you can see the widget but I refuse
to put this behemoth into my sidebar until they make it smaller.
Gripes aside, I do really like this idea, and the signup
process is quick and easy, so if your blog / Site web has a sidebar with plenty
of space, give it a try, You Will not regret.
Here is screenshot of WidgetBuck member who made over $140
within 1 day!.
Day 1

Get $25 signup bonus when you register with WidgetBucks today

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